An Intiatic Journey into the Tantric Art of Living
with ArtExtasia & Aghora Vidya
12 – 19 July 2025

Welcome to Summer Soul
Our yearly signature summer retreat, held in the beautiful Danish countryside.
Every year, a community of like-hearted souls and spiritual seekers come together in Summer Soul for the profound experiences & connections, to regenerate and be nourished by nature, to explore the deepest parts of our beings, and to find spiritual fulfillment in the warm summer heart of the Danish countryside.
This year, we invite you to join us for a transformative journey into the essence of the tantric way of life, guided by AGHORA VIDYA and the ARTEXTASIA TEAM!
Immerse yourself in a magical space where creativity and spirituality converge, where you can learn to connect to the purest godly energies to accomplish a blissful, meaningful life – a true masterpiece of the art of living in fulfillment

Enhance the Godly Creative Power in your life!
Through exceptional tantric methods and artistic exploration, this retreat offers a deep dive into the enigmatic forces that shape your inner universe, allowing you to wisely draw the trajectory of your life according to your soul’s deepest needs.
Discover how to awaken and channel the godly energies of will, wisdom, action, bliss and consciousness, transforming your life into a sublime work of art that the Creator Himself would gladly sign.
A Unique Retreat for the First Time with Aghora Vidya & Initiatic Art Group ArtExtasia
Guided by an international team of esoteric initiate artists and effervescent practitioners of the millenary tantra, the program is a precise blend of tantric yoga, esoteric art, meditations, body & soul awakening workshops and a plenitude of refined aesthetic delights.
You will also enjoy heartfelt connections, exquisite & nourishing moments of play and introspection, lots of beauty and sacred joy.
With us you will:
- learn to become a very conscious and humble co-creator in shaping your life as a sublime tantric work of art
- master the art of love, paranormal empathy and soulful connection with others, being filled with a beneficial curiosity, transfiguration and spontaneity
- acquire the skills to turn your daily actions into expressions that already have a clear godly intention, plus practical wisdom and beneficial, inspired action
- impregnate your life with the sacred beauty of erotic art filled with godly inspiration in a state of immense delight and celestial celebration
No previous artistic experience is necessary for participants!
– this retreat aims to reveal the esoteric high art of living, accessible to those who already yearn for enthusiastic exploration of the mysteries of Existence and conscious inner growth.

Beneficial activities designed to harmoniously & wisely fulfill the needs of your soul, and to create a new revolutionary & elevated perspective of consciousness and to understand how true godly happiness can arise
Experience a fruitful initiatic journey through a rich systematic program that includes:
- Inspirational & Instructive Lectures: Understand the mysterious interplay between the subtle benevolent godly forces of creation and the ceaseless action of the universal occult principles of Manifestation both in the MACROCOSM and in the inner MICROCOSM of your being.
- Presentation of Extraordinary Tantric Artwork: Savor, in a state of detachment & offering, initiatory esoteric art combining archetypal godly beauty and pure eros to convey a powerful spiritual enlightening message through performances and films of tantric inspiration.
- Unique Spiritual Exemplifications: Connect promptly and continuously to the highest inspiring source of sublime subtle energies and become a mysterious godly relay for transmitting elevated states of consciousness.
- Revolutionary, Dynamic and Interactive Workshops: Release your latent beneficial potential, seek to awaken and develop essential ingenious life skills and thus favor euphoric, delicious intimacy at the soul level so that you can also become the authors of inspired creations expressing spiritual art.
Enjoy to the fullest, being in the mysterious role of a catalyst, the vibrant energy of fruitful group activities, the daily practice of deepening the esoteric methods from ancient tantric yoga, as well as the inspiring time spent in nature and the intensely soothing, peaceful ambiance of Paradise Retreat Center!
The Five Essential Forces of Universal Creation
The eminently esoteric, occult guiding vectors that are fully manifested in Summer Soul Retreat 2025
The ancient Shaivite tradition of Indian spirituality constantly describes the five essential subtle forces of godly creation as fundamental aspects of the macrocosmic creative process.
In initiated human beings, these five occult godly creative powers manifest as essential components of any eminently beneficial and rapidly transformative creative process:

The Mysterious Occult Power of the BENEFICIAL CREATIVE WILL
Simultaneously represents the godly intention, the sublime yearning, and the crucial inner impulse of the Supreme Absolute to initiate through each of us, every universal as well as MACROCOSMIC creative and manifesting process.
In the inner universe of human beings, it also manifests as a mysterious impulse, as a form of elevated godly passion, as a noble motivation inspiring us to create or pursue high godly goals in life.
It is a yearning but also a deep intense aspiration to create, to act, to transform, that has as its main axes a valuable, brilliant idea that will be transposed into reality.

Manifests as godly intelligence and wisdom, which ceaselessly guides the act of creation, thus making it possible to project it into the whole MACROCOSMOS. It is the source and mysterious sum of the godly laws of nature and the fundamental spiritual principles of existence.
In our inner universe these are reflected even in the form of deep intuition, full harmonious consciousness and true global understanding arising spontaneously in any beneficial creative process. It is also the ability to conceptualize, plan and structure ideas filled with Godly wisdom with clarity and to guide the act of creation with purpose and with a fully dynamic, harmonious awareness.

Signifies the dynamic subtle energy of creative realization, which brings beneficial will and knowledge into a tangible uplifting form. This subtle force also actualizes the godly plans, through activity that is always sublimely purposeful, in the material world.
We can identify it in our inner universe as the subtle energy of godly action and obvious accomplishment that makes it possible to promptly transform our ideas inspired by God and our fruitful, fervent intentions into tangible results.
It is the active mysterious force that thus fructifies our enhanced creativity through perseverance and skillful beneficial effort that is exerted only in the right direction.

The Immense, Mysterious Powers of CONSCIOUSNESS AND BEATITUDE
These subtle energies are at all times the intrinsic nature of all godly Manifestation. They are also the primordial source of all and everything that exists, or could ever exist. They are the foundation and catalyst upon which all creation rests, and they are permanently the essence to which CREATION RETURNS at the end of a macrocosmic cycle.
They are always presented together because in reality they are inseparable. Where there is a deified consciousness there is always an oceanic ecstatic bliss, where there is godly bliss there also shines the unparalleled light of consciousness which is profoundly transformed and deified.
In our inner universe, they are the deepest crucial core of our being, they are the essence of our spiritual heart, which in reality is the immortal supreme self, Atman. They are the drop of essential godly consciousness that is present within us and animates our whole life which is profoundly transformed and deified: the goal of every fruitful, authentic spiritual path.
These five enigmatic godly powers always work in perfect harmony, and symbolize the interplay of godly intention, godly wisdom and godly action in the blessed field of the deified consciousness, which expresses itself in every process of creation and transformation, both in the macrocosmic sphere and at the microcosmic level in our being.

About Aghora Vidya
Director, actress and screenwriter. Instructor, course and group leader, mentor to the explorers of the primordial intitiatic art.
Complex artist of esoteric tantric aesthetics and spiritual aspirant on the intense path of tantra with over 30 years of experience behind her.
A playful and visionary soul, she is the creator and director of iconic archetypal initiatic stage performances.
Creator of pioneering cinema films that lay the foundations for a new kind of filmmaking. A vibrant space of poeticism and sacredness, where the compelling aesthetics of Kashmiri Shivaism – which sees art as a true bridge to the highest subtle realities – unfolds with tremendous force in this spiritual ‘avant-garde movement’.
Aghora Vidya invests her talent and energy to confirm through her own life that it is possible to apply the spiritual principles in objective art and the Shaivite aesthetic principles in the sphere of the esoteric art practice.
About ArtExtasia
ArtExtasia is an international group of multidisciplinary art creators, initiated in the mysteries of millenary Tantra, who have experienced the amazing transformative power of the tantric spiritual practices in their own life.
They have a unique art project that has eventually grown into a widespread revolutionary movement meant to substantially contribute to the rise of the global consciousness of humanity, with the exquisite means of the Initiatory Tantric Art.
Their creative activity covers almost all the spectrum of artistic domains; they regularly produce tantric art movies, educational films, photographic artworks, stage performances, innovatory erotic art paintings, they compose music with elevated resonances and publish esoteric initiatory literature.
They are also dedicated to initiate people in the most important form of art – the Art of Tantric Life – delivering presential workshops and lectures, on-line webinars, podcasts.
Lately they developed a complex educational format which has already become an appreciated brand: The ArtExtasia Tantric Art Festival, which is organized annually in different European capitals.
The specific trademark of the ArtExtasia activities is the continuous presence of Beauty, Harmony, Pure Eros, Sacred Love and the integration of the universal spiritual principles in whatever they produce, teach and perform.

Teachers of NATHA
Three of our most experienced and dedicated teachers will help you dive deep & awaken your soul!

Sahajananda has been researching in the field of esoteric knowledge and the ancient spiritual traditions of the planet since the age of 21.
As a certified AIFYM teacher he teaches courses and workshops in Tantra, Yoga and Meditation at NATHA Yogacenter in Copenhagen and Stockholm, as well as at various festivals around Europe.

Angela founded the Tantra Temple in 2006, and is also passionate about theatre, having played in a performance that won the National Danish award for being the best performance of the year in 2018.
Her love and experience with theatre can be felt in the playfulness and creativity she manifests when she teaches classes and creates and conducts workshops.

Ulrik Adinatha Lyshøj has been dedicated to a Tantric life since 2000. He is co-founder of the Tantra Temple and author of the book “Let’s Talk Tantra”.
In his daily life, he teaches Tantra Yoga and Tantra Massage. He has a huge experience in working with people and combining bodywork with therapy and coaching in order to speed up personal and spiritual development.
About Paradise Retreat Center
Spjellerupvej 41, 4640 Faxe
The retreat will take place in the lush Danish countryside of Stevns, in Paradise Retreat Center.
Paradise Retreat Center is situated around 60 km south of Copenhagen, Denmark.
You can come by car or public transportation to Karise St. from where you will be picked up (you will receive detailed travel information in the welcome letter).
In order to keep the experience positive and rejuvenating for all our guests, the whole retreat center is kept smoke, drug, coffee and alcohol free.
Paradise Retreat center serves delicious and nutritious vegan/vegetarian food made with love by yogis dedicated to supporting your retreat.

Accommodation Options

In the heart of Paradise Retreat Center is accommodation in simple and cozy dormitories hosting 14-30 people each.
Excellent for group work and togetherness, the dormitories are the perfect opportunity to jump into an uplifting and heartful experience.
Each bunk comes with curtains for privacy, shared bathrooms and shower, easy access to the dining hall where tea and refreshments are always available.
Comes with: Mattress, beddings and towel. Shared bathrooms. Free Wifi. Electricity outlets. Outdoor shower facility
The price for staying in the dormitory is included in your retreat ticket.

Our beautiful garden becomes an amazing campground during summer time.
You can bring your own tent and stay in the campgrounds for no additional cost.
Or you can rent a space in one of ours for an extra fee. Each of our tents hosts 2 people in separate sleeping compartments.
Our garden can accommodate up to 20 tents. Electricity outlet and outdoor showers are available as well as the indoor bathroom facilities.
Comes with: Mattress, beddings and towel. Shared bathrooms. Free Wifi. Electricity outlets. Outdoor shower facility

Private Rooms
A new addition near Paradise is the newly opened Asgaard Bed & Breakfast.
A welcoming, charming farmhouse with 7 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and big garden is available for anyone who prefers to stay in private rooms, while we run the retreat in Paradise.
Available rooms:
1 Single Room (for 1 person)
6 Double Rooms (for 1 or 2 people, with an option of 1 large bed or 2 single beds based on availability)
For more information about Asgaard Hus, you can visit their website at
Practical Info
12-19 July 2025
Spjellerupvej 41, 4640 Faxe
Refund Policy
For cancellations 30 or more days before the retreat (until 12 June 2025):
You will receive your money back minus a 25% administration fee. The refund will be issued to your original payment method.
For cancellations less than 30 days before the retreat:
If you miss the retreat due to unforeseen illness or medical emergency – you will receive a credit for 100% of the amount paid, which can be used towards future NATHA retreats or events.
Documentation must be provided to be eligible to receive this credit.
No credit or refund will be issued for cancellations due to any other reason. We highly encourage you to purchase your ticket only when you are fully committed to participating in the retreat.
Sign Up
For those who wish to sign up for both Summer Soul & Kamalatmika Retreat II: Combo tickets are available for a significant discount – get an additional 20-30% off, on top of the super early bird / early bird discounts!
Click here to sign up for combo tickets.
Summer Soul Tickets
SUPER EARLY BIRD UNTIL 15 MARCH: 5600kr (4800kr for NATHA/Atman students)
EARLY BIRD UNTIL 30 APRIL: 6300kr (5400kr for NATHA/Atman students)
NORMAL PRICE FROM 1 MAY: 7000kr (6000kr for NATHA/Atman students)
Accommodation Upgrades
Please only book an accommodation upgrade AFTER booking your ticket(s) for Summer Soul
Please note that these bookings are valid only from 12-19 July, from the start until the end of Summer Soul. For additional bookings outside of this period, please write to us at