Tantra Intro Workshop

NATHA Copenhagen Nordre Fasanvej 230, København N, København, Denmark

Interested to learn what Tantra is all about? Join our Free Tantra Intro Workshop! We warmly invite you to learn about the Esoteric Tantra Yoga course, try the practice, meet the teachers, and ask any questions you have about the course! The intro workshop includes a short introduction, a tantric hatha yoga practice, and presentation […]

Svadhisthana Chakra – Gratis Foredrag (Aarhus)

NATHA Aarhus Mejlgade 95, 4.sal,, Aarhus, Midtjylland, Denmark

Svadhisthana - sakralchakraet Sakralchakraet er essentielt for erotisk velbefindende I dette foredrag vil du lære mere om hvordan du kan skabe harmoni, healing og balance på det erotiske plan. Den erotiske kraft kan bruges som drivkraft i personlig og spirituel udvikling, men hvordan? Yogaudøvere har kendt hemmeligheden i tusinder af år Foredraget bliver fulgt op […]

Yoga Intro Workshop

NATHA Copenhagen Nordre Fasanvej 230, København N, København, Denmark

Want to try yoga with us? Join our Free Yoga Intro Workshop! Come learn about the unique approach & curriculum of the Esoteric Integral Yoga course, try the practice, meet the teachers, and ask any questions you have about the course! The intro workshop includes a short introduction, a guided yoga practice (around 1 hour), […]

Tantra for Women Intro Workshop

NATHA Copenhagen Nordre Fasanvej 230, København N, København, Denmark

We warmly welcome you to a free intro to the Tantra for Women Course! We will spend this intro together in a state of sisterhood, discovering the tantric vision upon femininity and the concept of Shakti, and share with you how this course will unfold. You will meet your future teacher, you can ask questions […]

Manipura Chakra – Gratis Foredrag (Aarhus)

NATHA Aarhus Mejlgade 95, 4.sal,, Aarhus, Midtjylland, Denmark

Manipura – navlechakraet Navlechakraet er essentielt for selvdisciplin og viljestyrke. I dette foredrag vil du lære mere om hvordan du kan vække mere selvtillid og stå stærkere i dig selv. Selvdisciplin er en universel energi forbundet med ildens kraft som man kan akkumulere i sit energisystem gennem øvelser. Du er ikke slave af tilfældigheder, men […]