
Our Blog

In-depth articles related to Yoga, Tantra, Meditation, Masculinity, Femininity, Spirituality and more!

The Yogic Yang Spiral Meditation

The Yogic Yang Spiral Meditation

At NATHA we have for more than 20 years done a unique yogic practice called Yang Spirals. The Yang Spiral is a powerful form of group meditation done standing, holding hands in a spiral formation, in the order of the zodiac signs, alternating man-woman, for a shorter...

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The Legend of Shiva: The Great God of Yogis

The Legend of Shiva: The Great God of Yogis

The age-old legend of India tells of the Godly couple Shiva and Shakti having as their home the remote snowy peak of the Kailash Mountain. They embody the universal masculine principle and the universal feminine principle always united in eternal ecstatic union. The...

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The Magical Game of Polarity (Part 1)

The Magical Game of Polarity (Part 1)

Most of us would like to be in a loving and happy relationship - but what is it that makes us so thirsty and longing for this? And when finally having it, why is it sometimes so difficult to be happy in it? In this article we will open up the topic of polarity - what...

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The Masculine in Tantra: Awareness & Verticality

The Masculine in Tantra: Awareness & Verticality

“IN the microcosm of the human being, in all processes of awareness, attention and Self-knowledge… He (Shiva) manifests as the Supreme Witness to all that exists, the Consciousness behind all experiences.” Excerpt from Tantra Year 1 Course The purpose of this article...

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