Ritual of communion with Maha Ganapati and his adored lovers, Siddhi Shakti and Riddhi Shakti
Open to students in Year 2 and higher in the courses at NATHA
Maha Ganapati is considered the most revered among the 32 known major godly hypostasis of Ganesha. Ganesha has the status of God in manifestation. This godly hypostasis, Maha Ganapati, represents the godly happiness, wealth, majesty as well as the glory of God. It is said that the one who always meditates on this godly hypostasis of Ganesha can, by His grace, obtain Moksha, the supreme spiritual liberation in this life.
Siddhi Shakti, the adored beloved and manifesting energy of Ganesha, is the one who bestows success in the spiritual plane, offers supra-mental intuition and the full realization of all spiritual powers.
Riddhi Shakti, the adored beloved and manifesting energy of Ganesha, is the one who bestows success, fullness and abundance in the material plane and the power of perfect, godly integrated domination of Spirit over matter.
The ritual will amongst other things, consists of a process of elevated transfiguration, full of beauty and adoration. 3 people who have signed up to this event will be picked by divination (if they consented) to manifest the three deities.
If you wish to be part of the lottery, the deadline to sign up is 23 January. Those picked in the lottery will be contacted on 24 January.
Please bring fruits and flowers as offerings.