Open House – Copenhagen – English

Come discover and explore NATHA at our Open House!

Open House is a free event with workshops & lectures for anyone who wants to get a taste of what our courses, events, and community are like! You will have the opportunity to meet NATHA students that come to our classes, teachers & people with same aspirations and search as you.


09:00 – 09:15 Arrivals and welcome

09:15-10:15 Esoteric Integral Yoga – practice session with guided exercises

We will start the day as yogis do. Practiced properly, Yoga is much more than simple physical training. It helps us develop mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual qualities, and transforms us in more ways than the eyes can see.

Yoga allows us to access and master our “inner resources” – such as energy, mental focus, and creativity. By practicing yoga, we learn to cultivate & consciously direct these inner resources, and gain the ability to transform ourselves & our lives in whatever direction we choose.

Come in comfortable clothes!

10:30-11:15 A glimpse of meditation – practice session with guided exercises

“Where our attention goes, our energy flows”. Trained attention is at the base of all great accomplishments in life – in terms of health, happiness, love and spiritual evolution as much as in terms of ambitions, career and scientific breakthroughs.

In this session, we will do some simple exercises to train our attention and become aware of its mechanisms and how it influences the quality of our experiences.

11:15-12:00 Tantric art of adoration: Seeing through the eyes of beauty – interactive workshop

It is well known that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’. What many don’t realize is that this is a very practical discovery that greatly benefits our love relationships and life in general.

It is a tantric key to make the ordinary, extraordinary. In this session we will discover how to open the eyes of the heart, to see deeper and more objectively the souls of the ones we love, using Tantric exercises for experiencing archetypal beauty.

Come alone or with your beloved to this interactive workshop!

12.15 – 13.00 Kashmir Shaivism – lecture with an exercise

The Kashmir Shaivism tradition is considered one of the most transcendental forms of yoga, as well as the purest and highest form of tantrism, offering an extraordinarily direct & effective path of spiritual evolution.

This session begins with a practical exercise of deeply focusing in the Spiritual Heart – an essential and invaluable gesture on the spiritual path.

Then follows a lecture in which we will explore the connection between Kashmir Shaivism, the significance of Shiva, and how the paths of Kashmir Shaivism lead to the answer of our most important existential question – “Who am I?”.

13:00-14:00 Lunch 🍲🥑🍝

Vegan lunch will be available for a small fee (85kr) and can be purchased during the lunch break. Meet and speak with all the teachers!

14:00-14:45 (FOR WOMEN) Women’s circle of empathy

Women blossom when they come together! The feminine nature is nourished by connecting in the heart with other women, empathically perceiving each other and sharing our inner being heartfully with each other.

We will talk about the importance of women being together in the Heart, admiring and embracing each other – and ourselves – instead of competing and comparing, from a tantric perspective, and we will do an exercise of connecting emphatically in the heart.

The workshop will take place in a safe and sisterly space, allowing each of us to be ourselves exactly as we are. 

14:00 – 14:45 (FOR MEN) First steps in Tantra as a man

What is masculinity in its essence? How do we bring it to life in ourselves as men? How do we use our masculine power in relation to women, work and our highest life goals?

In this workshop for men, we will, among other things, look at the man’s role in tantra and how tantra perceives masculinity and consciousness.

We will also take a closer look at the erotic power and how we, as men, can use it as an important alchemical element in our spiritual development and inner transformation. Talk about tantra with an exercise for men.

15.00 – 15.45 Natharaja Theater session – Spiritual Exploration of Art & Theater

We will start with exercises for opening our creative imagination & creating an expansion of consciousness from the level of the Soul – then entering a stage of deep contemplation of art.

(Practically, you will always be able to use these exercises before going to the theater, museums or exhibitions to contemplate art!)

We will then explore emotions (or states of the Soul) and learn how to evoke them using simple breathing techniques, voice, and body language.

15.45 – 16.00 Goodbyes