Shivaratri: Celebration of SHIVA VIGHNESH ANUGRAHA

We invite you to come and celebrate together Shivaratri, The Dark Night of Shiva, in which Shiva full of grace, exceptionally manifests his being and consciousness so that we easily can unite with Him and experience high states of consciousness. On this auspicious night, we have a great chance to overcome limitation and take a spiritual leap that will change our destiny. All we need is aspiration, goodwill and devotion.

Ritual celebration of SHIVA VIGHNESH ANUGRAHA
In the hypostasis known as SHIVA VIGHNESH ANUGRAHA, SHIVA manifests as the One who bestows spiritually prepared and aspiring human beings with the grace of effective spiritual guidance and impulsion. By means of this hypostasis, SHIVA causes ANUGRAHA SHAKTI, which in English translation means “the feminine power of godly revelation, of revealed grace” to flow in waves and abundance into the inner universe of human beings who deserve His uplifting grace. This hypostasis is in close connection to Ganesha (More information will be revealed in the lecture.)

Shiva Ratri Celebration Program
19.15 – 19.40: Arrival and tea
19.40 – 19. 45: Consecration of the event
19.45 – 20.15: Lecture: Shiva Vighnesh Anugraha
20.15 – 20.30: Tea and snack break
20.30 – 22.15 Ritual of communion with Shiva Vighnesh Anugraha
22.15 – 01.00: Yang Spiral of communion with Shiva